Body Size and Inclusivity in Dance
"If a dacer is a bit "over" ideal Ballet weight, what do you suggest, if not loosing weight? What if it's a fantastic and strong dancer, but can't get a job in a company because of those few extra pounds? I saw that you stand for HAES - how does that apply in the Ballet world where you don't get a job otherwise?"
This is a question I received from a dance teacher.And I believe there are many other teachers, parents, dancers and health professionals who work with dancers that have the same question on their minds.
So here is my thought.
Hint: It’s never OK to tell a dancer to lose weight.

Q&A: Eating a lot to maintain weight?
Q&A: Is it bad to have to eat a lot in order to maintain weight?Great question.Eating enough is vital for dancers AND preventing weight drop is crucial in dancers especially if they are growing teens