Graded Support in Eating Disorder Recovery
During eating disorder recovery, mealtimes can become significantly distressing. Planning Graded Support at a meal ahead of time can help bring clarity which, for many people, can decrease anxiety.
Graded Support describes identifying who is responsible for which decisions at meals. Rather than allocating all responsibilities to the person in recovery or their support person, Graded Support considers which aspects of the meal the person in recovery feels confident with, and where they could benefit from support. This can change throughout treatment to suit the person’s needs.
So let’s learn more about how to apply this in your own recovery.

Navigating cultural differences when recovering from an Eating Disorder
Cultural experiences are important factors to consider in eating disorder treatment, as perceptions of body and food can be heavily influenced by culture. Depending on the culture and overall emphasis of traditions involved, and/or the need to adapt to a new culture, one may find their surroundings either favourable or resistant to the building of a healthy body image and relationship with food.

Navigating Easter During Eating Disorder Recovery
For many people, Easter is a fun time where you get a long weekend and enjoy foods with friends and family. But for those recovering from eating disorders, it could be very challenging. Read the blog to understand the different factors which can shape our experience of Easter and share strategies on how to navigate the season during recovery.