Food Neutrality

Food Neutrality

A core component of recovering from dieting, disordered eating, and/or eating disorder is developing a more peaceful relationship with food. This includes unlearning food ‘rules’ and letting go of feelings of shame, guilt and fear around food. One way to practice this in everyday life is through Food Neutrality. 

Let’s have a look at Neutral, Non-neutral, and Context-dependent language so that we can be a better communicator of food and nutrition.

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Navigating Easter During Eating Disorder Recovery
Eating disorder / diso..., Holiday eating, Recovery Kirby Macdonald Eating disorder / diso..., Holiday eating, Recovery Kirby Macdonald

Navigating Easter During Eating Disorder Recovery

For many people, Easter is a fun time where you get a long weekend and enjoy foods with friends and family. But for those recovering from eating disorders, it could be very challenging. Read the blog to understand the different factors which can shape our experience of Easter and share strategies on how to navigate the season during recovery.

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How Dance Teachers Can Support  Dancers’ Eating Disorder Recovery
Kirby Macdonald Kirby Macdonald

How Dance Teachers Can Support Dancers’ Eating Disorder Recovery

Dance teachers have a valuable role in supporting dancers throughout their Eating Disorder Recovery journey. Let’s take a look at some of the real-life strategies that you can practice from today in the studio to help your dancers during this challenging time.

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