How to avoid feeding someone's Grinch on Christmas day

How to avoid feeding someone's Grinch on Christmas day

Christmas has rapidly crept upon us and as always, we are all running around to tie up those loose ribbons before the big day. Amongst organising those last-minute Christmas presents and running to the store for any forgotten ingredients, it might also be worth putting a few minutes aside to consider how you can keep your loved one’s recovery in mind. 

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Navigating Easter During Eating Disorder Recovery
Eating disorder / diso..., Holiday eating, Recovery Kirby Macdonald Eating disorder / diso..., Holiday eating, Recovery Kirby Macdonald

Navigating Easter During Eating Disorder Recovery

For many people, Easter is a fun time where you get a long weekend and enjoy foods with friends and family. But for those recovering from eating disorders, it could be very challenging. Read the blog to understand the different factors which can shape our experience of Easter and share strategies on how to navigate the season during recovery.

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